
floetea Iced Tea, a Healthy Drink  According to the Tea Council of the USA, approximately 80% of Americans prefer iced over hot tea. Well, consuming tea is thought of as a health-fostering practice since ancient times. The proof behind the health values of tea consumption advances with every new study that is issued in the scientific literature. Modern medicinal research is providing a scientific basis for this belief.  Floetea is one of the best quality iced tea products currently available in India. We recommend the delicious Floetea iced tea over carbonated cola and sugary artificial juices. Here are a few general benefits of tea & iced tea.  Fighting Cancer  There are numerous scientific journals that document cancer-preventive abilities of tea. Iced tea has effects on different types of cancers and has been linked to varying levels of significant success. Verified studies suggest that theaflavins and catechins in tea may reduce the risk and effects of skin,